7 Reasons to Put Your Children in Redwood Christian Schools -
Choosing A School is one of the Most Important Decisions a Parent will make for their Children!
Seven Reasons to Put Your Children in
Redwood Christian Schools
Top-rated private schools in the Bay Area CA
Redwood Christian Schools (510) 889-7526 or https://www.rcs.edu
Elementary School – Middle School – High School
Quality Education Since 1970
Redwood Christian Schools
Top-rated private schools in the Bay Area CA
Redwood Christian Schools (510) 889-7526 or https://www.rcs.edu
Elementary School – Middle School – High School
Quality Education Since 1970
Voted Best Private Christian School in East Bay California
YouTube Video – Be Inspired: CLICK HERE
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1. ACCEPTANCE – Without Strings Attached
Being accepted for who you are is one of the most basic human needs there is… and often the most painfully neglected. In our competitive, success-orientated world, doing is often valued more than being. Students must be allowed to grow without being compared to others. They must know and feel that they are important, loved, and valued no matter what they look like, how they behave, or what they can achieve. Acceptance must come with no strings attached, just like the acceptance that is found in the love of Christ
2. CHALLENGE – To Dream Great Dreams
Dreams are a powerful thing. The history of our world is the story of men and women captivated by visions of new horizons, new frontiers, and new beginnings. Our nation owes its birth to many such dreamers. In this passive age of comforts and entertainment, children can be severely limited - even robbed - of the time to just dream, look beyond the "already" and wonder at that "maybe." Dreams are the stuff from which goals are made goals that form entire lives – and nations.
3. CONFIDENCE – In an Uncertain World
Children are born with an incredible, insatiable desire to meet head-on and conquer it. But caution takes over when fears begin to grip the child's heart. Withdrawl replaces activity, and life ceases to be a marvel and instead becomes a fearful journey on an uncertain road.
Children need healthy doses of good old-fashioned faith and optimism, and they need to be encouraged to experience life with openness and anticipation. Knowing that God is in control and with us in every life situation is the one trustworthy source of confidence in our uncertain world.
4. DISCIPLINE – To Build Strong Character
A disciplined life doesn't really limit; it liberates the child to reach his potential. Like a river that overruns its banks, life without boundaries loses its strength.
And where there are no boundaries, a child loses his sense of security – knowing that there is someone who will help him avoid hazards and maintain control until he is mature enough to control himself. After all, the goal of all discipline is self-discipline, that beautiful quality of life based on the strength of character.
5. FREEDOM – To Be Kids
Childhood and youth are incredibly short, but meaningful spans of life, and they are years of intense growth in every area. And since our culture has one of the shortest periods of adolescence in the world, our children need every moment of childhood they can get.
Kids need the freedom to be kids. Hopefully, they can relate to adults who can see life through their eyes: The mazement of every discovery, the pride of accomplishment, and the fun of simple play. We need to give our children their childhood – and enjoy it with him.
6. STRENGTH – To Face Adversity
We want our children to be strong, to be able to endure hard things and surmount obstacles - and to stand alone if need be. But true strength is born of one thing; adversity. Only in facing problems squarely and working through them by God's grace can a child learn strength.
Every young child needs a certain amount of rights kind of struggles in their lives to exercise the muscles of independence and take flight, just like a butterfly that struggles to be free at the cocoon.
7. WISDOM - To Make Right Decisions
Life is a journey that is determined by a series of choices. And children begin making their own choices almost from the moment of self-awareness.
Children need the wisdom to make the right decisions. They need to hear wisdom from the adults in their lives and history lessons. But the most significant reservoir of wisdom the world has ever known is found in the Bible. To learn its wisdom is to provide them the light that will never fail them or lead them astray
2. CHALLENGE – To Dream Great Dreams
Dreams are a powerful thing. The history of our world is the story of men and women captivated by visions of new horizons, new frontiers, and new beginnings. Our nation owes its birth to many such dreamers. In this passive age of comforts and entertainment, children can be severely limited - even robbed - of the time to just dream, look beyond the "already" and wonder at that "maybe." Dreams are the stuff from which goals are made goals that form entire lives – and nations.
3. CONFIDENCE – In an Uncertain World
Children are born with an incredible, insatiable desire to meet head-on and conquer it. But caution takes over when fears begin to grip the child's heart. Withdrawl replaces activity, and life ceases to be a marvel and instead becomes a fearful journey on an uncertain road.
Children need healthy doses of good old-fashioned faith and optimism, and they need to be encouraged to experience life with openness and anticipation. Knowing that God is in control and with us in every life situation is the one trustworthy source of confidence in our uncertain world.
4. DISCIPLINE – To Build Strong Character
A disciplined life doesn't really limit; it liberates the child to reach his potential. Like a river that overruns its banks, life without boundaries loses its strength.
And where there are no boundaries, a child loses his sense of security – knowing that there is someone who will help him avoid hazards and maintain control until he is mature enough to control himself. After all, the goal of all discipline is self-discipline, that beautiful quality of life based on the strength of character.
5. FREEDOM – To Be Kids
Childhood and youth are incredibly short, but meaningful spans of life, and they are years of intense growth in every area. And since our culture has one of the shortest periods of adolescence in the world, our children need every moment of childhood they can get.
Kids need the freedom to be kids. Hopefully, they can relate to adults who can see life through their eyes: The mazement of every discovery, the pride of accomplishment, and the fun of simple play. We need to give our children their childhood – and enjoy it with him.
6. STRENGTH – To Face Adversity
We want our children to be strong, to be able to endure hard things and surmount obstacles - and to stand alone if need be. But true strength is born of one thing; adversity. Only in facing problems squarely and working through them by God's grace can a child learn strength.
Every young child needs a certain amount of rights kind of struggles in their lives to exercise the muscles of independence and take flight, just like a butterfly that struggles to be free at the cocoon.
7. WISDOM - To Make Right Decisions
Life is a journey that is determined by a series of choices. And children begin making their own choices almost from the moment of self-awareness.
Children need the wisdom to make the right decisions. They need to hear wisdom from the adults in their lives and history lessons. But the most significant reservoir of wisdom the world has ever known is found in the Bible. To learn its wisdom is to provide them the light that will never fail them or lead them astray
Middle School & High School Student Handbook – CLICK HERE
Redwood Christian Schools (RCS) serves students in grades TK-12. Our elementary campus is located in Castro Valley and our middle school and high school campus is in San Lorenzo, CA. The mission of RCS is to equip students for daily living and eternal life through academics, athletics, and enrichment programs.
In summary, RCS is inspiring futures with its core values: Establish CHRISTIAN TRUTH as a guide for life. Maintain a HIGH ACADEMIC STANDARD. Instill PURE MORALS in the heart of the student. Generate a SPIRIT OF PATRIOTISM. Live a DISCIPLINED LIFE.
AN OPEN LETTER – From the Superintendent
We love children and want to see them reach their full potential. We are committed to providing a quality, Christian-centered education in a safe, secure, and loving learning environment. Children should blossom as unique individuals created in the image of God.
We seek to partner with parents and their church and develop well-prepared children with the character and vision to meet their world confidently. We invite you to call our district office for more information, including a personal tour of our campus and classrooms.
Serving Christ through Education,

Al Hearne ll
“I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the CALLING to which you have been called, 2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, 3 eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:1-3 (ESV)
Top-Rated Private Schools in the Bay Area CA
#bestprivateschool #bestchristianschool #schools #childrenneed
* Redwood Christian Schools admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. Redwood Christian Schools does not discriminate based on race, color, national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
We love children and want to see them reach their full potential. We are committed to providing a quality, Christian-centered education in a safe, secure, and loving learning environment. Children should blossom as unique individuals created in the image of God.
We seek to partner with parents and their church and develop well-prepared children with the character and vision to meet their world confidently. We invite you to call our district office for more information, including a personal tour of our campus and classrooms.
Serving Christ through Education,

Al Hearne ll
“I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the CALLING to which you have been called, 2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, 3 eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:1-3 (ESV)
Top-Rated Private Schools in the Bay Area CA
#bestprivateschool #bestchristianschool #schools #childrenneed
* Redwood Christian Schools admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. Redwood Christian Schools does not discriminate based on race, color, national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
This Hot Deal is promoted by Castro Valley / Eden Area Chamber of Commerce.